Remerciements à nos sponsors

Compagnie aerienne Tarom


Adresse (RO) : Splaiul Independenţei 17, Bloc 101, Sector 5,050093 Bucureşti,
Téléphone: (00 40) 2 13 03 44 11|2 13 16 04 18

(FR): Avenue de l'Opera nr. 17, etaj 2, 7500,Paris

(00 33) 1 47 42 25 42 | 1 42 65 43 66



Compagnie aerienne Tarom - presentation
TAROM Presentation francais (2).pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [1.3 MB]

Training Management Business Group

Faire appel à nos services, c’est bénéficier…

  • D’une capacité à comprendre votre métier et vos objectifs pour aboutir à des solutions adaptées,
  • D’une somme d’expériences et d’idées issues de notre connaissance des best practice,
  • D’études reconnues visant à anticiper les évolutions du marché,
  • D’une connaissance approfondie du marché et de ses acteurs,
  • De la réactivité et de l’implication de nos équipes qui s’engagent au service exclusif de vos intérêts dans un esprit de partenariat

Vous nous retrouvez en Espagne, France et Roumanie, pays dont on connait le spécifique socio-économique et ou nos experts en Ressources Humaines et en législation européenne vous facilitent l’intégration individuelle ou celle de votre société.



              (0033) 6 60 76 43 59

Training Management Business Group - presentation
Training Management Business Group.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [753.2 KB]

iValueHealth.NET (http://beta.iValueHealth.NET) is a Health related multilingual platform (or Hub) where users can access basic medical information, health applications and connect with healthcare professionals in just 2 clicks. Users can connect “free of charge” on the platform, using their email ID, and define their role when they connect for the first time (general user, medical professional, pharmacist…). Once connected, users can access different medical content and applications to which they get rights (based on their role). The platform will be accessible in 8 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, Bahasa Indonesian and Tagalog Filipino – some of them are yet to go online).
iValueHealth.NET has one of the largest online database of 30+ medicine fields, 650+ symptoms, 1100+ diseases and 3400+ medications. It is a unique initiative where all the actors from the healthcare ecosystem are brought together in one place and can contribute together to increase the awareness by sharing more local and global information. The company is member of mHealth Alliance (United Nations Foundations) and Microsoft.
Philosophy: Good Education & Health are basic needs of any human being; and more than 20% of the world’s population doesn’t, or has limited access to health. There is a clear need to deliver various health services and IT can bring value and solve some issues deriving from limited access to health. The platform is enriched by all actors, by each service and by each nation. Everyone’s contribution will make it rich and everyone will benefit from its richness; these contributions lead to point systems implemented in platform, leading to potential “social ownership”.



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Bulletin d’adhésion / Renouvellement d’adhésion
bulletin-d-adhesion TP3-2016-2017.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [152.9 KB]
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